quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2015

It's time to Speak Up! Stand with Israel

Let today be the day good men do something necessary...

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for
good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Dear Jim,

Let today be the day good men do something necessary...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress this week, warning about the dangerous "path" the Obama Administration is walking hand-in-hand with Iran - creating a path for Iran to advance its global terror agenda: a nuclear-armed epicenter of Islamic terrorism bent on Israel's extinction, dominating the Middle East, and eventually bringing America to its knees.

Just look at what Iran really thinks of America - In November 2014, the Iranian Defense Ministry declared: "The U.S. is still the great Satan and the number one enemy of the Islamic Revolution." 

And just last year during a protest outside the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, Iranian protestors chanted: "Death to America! Death to the Great Satan! Death to Israel!" 

Lest we forget the unholy Islamo-Fascist alliance during WWII when the Islamic Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was instrumental in implementing the Nazi "final solution" - the murder of millions of Jews and Christians - by recruiting and building a Muslim terror army in the tens of thousands. We cannot have another Holocaust. 

To be blunt, if we do not stand and speak now against a nuclear-armed Iran, our great nation faces the same fate of extinction... Iran will not stop with just destroying Israel - America is next! 

Jim, its time to SPEAK UP!

Prime Minister Netanyahu understands how perilous these times are - his moral compass points to the hour when good men stand firm. Jim, it is imperative you reflect upon Prime Minister Netanyahu's message to Congress this week: "...I have a moral obligation to speak up in the face of these dangers while there's still time to avert them" but much like Barack Hussein Obama and time - they aren't on our side. 

Jim, it is of the greatest importance we recognize the cyclical parallels being "drawn in the sand", history repeats itself - and this is a line we must hold! 

Act now - Do something necessary. 

Jim, won't you Stand with Israel by signing the petition today?
Thank you again for all your support,
David Horowitz
David Horowitz
PS: Remember, stand with Israel against an Iranian epicenter of Islamic terrorism, send a necessary message to the Obama Administration and Iran: on behalf of Israel, "I stand, therefore I exist," Jim, Stand for Israel's existence, sign the petition now. 
Thanks - David. 

David Horowitz Freedom
The David Horowitz Freedom Center, a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
© Copyright 2015, HorowitzFreedomCenter.org

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