terça-feira, 4 de abril de 2017

Petition to Confirm Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court Now

I've been telling you it will be the Supreme Court fight of a lifetime. Now it is…

Dear Friend,

I’ve been telling you it will be the fight of a lifetime. Now it is.

The Left has decided to filibuster Judge Gorsuch. It’s been their goal the entire time. Delay. Distract. And then ultimately: Defeat a conservative jurist.

We can’t allow it to happen again. At the ACLJ, we won’t.

Judge Gorsuch is supremely qualified. There is NO good reason to block his confirmation to the Supreme Court.

So why is Senate Minority Leader Schumer calling for a filibuster? Because Judge Gorsuch is not a liberal activist judge. It’s absurd.

It’s time for the nuclear option – the Constitutional option – a simple majority vote to confirm Judge Gorsuch.

I’ve been arguing cases at the Supreme Court for decades. We can win. We must win. But we need your voice this week.

Make your voice heard. Demand the Senate confirm Judge Gorsuch NOW.

Sign Our Petition: Confirm Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

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