Betsy McCaughey
The knives are out to sabotage
Donald Trump’s nomination, defying the wishes of the record number of
Republican primary voters who chose him.
Pols who backed losing
candidate Ted Cruz are mounting a sour-grapes campaign to rig the Republican
National Convention rules. Their goal is to deny Trump the nomination.
Meanwhile, in Virginia, a state where Trump came in first in the primary, a
lawsuit filed Friday by an anti-Trump pol claims he and fellow delegates should
be free to ignore the voters and follow their own “conscience” when they choose
a nominee at the Convention.
Be prepared for more whining
and skullduggery ahead, as an embittered minority of Republican insiders tries
to derail Trump’s unorthodox candidacy.
This unsavory drama will play
out between now and the Convention’s start on July 18.
The sour-grapes contingent is
quietly trying to persuade convention rule makers to turn the balloting for
presidential nominee into a free-for-all, never mind the will of voters back
home. The plotters hope to dump Trump and slip in another candidate. It could
be distant second place finisher Cruz — who still refuses to endorse Trump — or
also-ran John Kasich, not to mention a warmed over Mitt Romney.