quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2016

Boy, age 9, stands up for his right to wear a Trump hat

Logan Autry, 9, is the biggest little fan of Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

Logan decided to wear his red Trump “Make America Great Again” hat to Powers-Ginsburg Elementary School on June 2, days after the boy had seen the candidate up close at Trump’s Fresno rally.

Then school officials raised concerns.

“They told me to take my hat off because it brings negative emotions to the other children who don’t like him,” Logan said to television station KSEE 24. School officials based their request on the reactions of other students.

“They were saying they didn’t like Trump. They were saying he was stupid,” Logan told KSEE. “I had to explain to them what Donald Trump was actually doing.”

The 9-year-old refused to heed school officials’ requests to remove the hat and cited his First Amendment right to free expression.

“I still said, ‘No, I am not taking it off,’ and I said no,” Logan said. “Then the principal told me to take it off, but I still said no.”


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