terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2016

Bernie's Free College Isn't Free

Dear Jim,

Bernie Sanders wants to wave a magic wand and make college free for all Americans.

But you and I know there's no such thing as free stuff. Someone has to pay for this plan – and it's going to be you and me.

Fortunately, our favorite conservative commentator, Bill Whittle, exposes the truth that there's no such thing as "free" in his new Firewall video.

"Bernie's Free College Isn't Free" pulls the curtain back on how you'll be the one footing the bill for his $17 trillion worth of government handouts.

Jim, "Bernie's Free College Isn't Free" is the kind of hard-hitting commentary that Bill Whittle is known.

His previous Firewall videos such as "Progressivism: Empire of Lies," "American Fascists" and "The Leader of the Free World Isn't Obama" have been viewed literally millions of times on YouTube. 
David Horowitz, June 7, 2016

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