sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Study Finds Mainstream Media Coverage of Trump 89% Negative


A new report found that President Trump has received more hostile treatment from the mainstream media than any other president in U.S. history.

According to the Media Research Center, 89 percent of broadcast networks' coverage of Trump has been negative.

From January 20 to April 9, 1,501 on-air statements about Trump made by experts, voters and reporters were negative, compared to just 186 positive, the study found.

It also revealed that most of the negative coverage of Trump was focused on his travel ban, Russia's meddling in the U.S. election, the ObamaCare repeal, immigration enforcement, and Trump's allegations that President Obama had him wiretapped.

On "Outnumbered" today, Newt Gingrich warned that this is another sign that the liberal mainstream media is drifting further and further to the left.

He suggested that the Trump administration "clean out the White House press room."

"Why would you allow The New York Times or CBS News in the White House press room?" Gingrich said. "They're your mortal enemies."

Meghan McCain said that the Trump administration has contributed to its issues with the mainstream media by not always putting out proper messaging.

She singled out White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer in particular.

McCain added, however, that there's no doubt that the liberal press was in the tank for Obama, and now they're out to get Trump.

Fox News Insider, 21-4-2017

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