quarta-feira, 18 de abril de 2012

Clinton's hypocrisy...

Nothing in Brazil is actually being done to combat corruption. The prevailing political system is rotten. It’s no use expelling a thief out of the system and not penalizing it, as nothing works from this situation. Another one comes into in replacement. And the circus cycle continues. (Paulo Augusto Lacaz)

The fact that the Brazilian government has been transformed, mainly by the Worker’s Party (PT), in a den of bandits and the country, with the complicity of thousands of enlightened rogues, into a Rascals’ Paradise is not completely unknown by the U.S. or by any qualified representative of its government, such as Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Brazilian President Dilma Roussef has closely followed, with a criminal silence of complicity, the whole decay of her predecessor’s two consecutive terms, which ended by putting her in power through much of a grotesque electoral confidence trick.
Her shameful omission, especially in the case of the “Big Monthly Allowance” scandal (known in Brazil as ‘mensalão’ - pronounce “mensalown’), made ​​her an accomplice with the ‘gang of 40’ (being their leader ignored by an Attorney General’s cowardice when denouncing that genocidal group of rogue politicians and by telling their head’s name for another), who kills thousands people each year by have diverted billions of public money to be applied in health, public safety, education and sanitation, among other fundamental services.
It was an unparalleled hypocrisy and carelessness the U.S. Secretary of State’s utterly dishonest statement that the President Rousseff has fought against corruption and that her ‘struggle’ has set a new ‘world standard’, certainly in the expectation of any eventual commercial and political dividends toward the White House.
Mrs. Clinton perhaps do not care or mind, but her statement caused a loss of respect on thousands of people in Brazil and around the world who possibly expected to see her as a figure anyhow different from those bastard professional Brazilian politicians who are unable to defend ideas without diving themselves into the stinking sea of dirty mud in which their activity has become.
Professor Geraldo Almendra - Brazil, April, 18th – 2012           
Translated into English by Francisco Vianna 


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