segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2020

Os tiranos fofinhos

Foto: Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

Helena Matos

Vale a pena ler este artigo sobre os incêndios na Califórnia

Antes de começar a ler chamo a atenção para a nota final:

This article was published under a pseudonym as the author didn’t want to risk his job.  

O que diz o artigo? Que os ditos amantes da natureza a estão a destruir: «This didn’t have to happen. Once upon a time, forests in California were logged,grazed, and competently managed. It wasn’t always perfect, but generally it worked. Fires, which are a natural part of that ecosystem, were generally small— not just benign but beneficial. Land management focused on keeping the forest healthy for all involved, whether they were loggers, ranchers, fishermen, hunters, homeowners, or backpackers But then things started to change. Groups such as the Sierra Club and National Resources Defense Council began to drive a myopic agenda of protecting environmental interests at all costs. Logging was shut down. Grazing was banned. Controlled burning and undergrowth clearance were challenged and subjected to draconian regulations. Fires were put out as quickly as possible. » 

Título: Helena Matos, Blasfémias, 21-9-2020 

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