sábado, 9 de maio de 2015

The khanzeer, the cartoons and the killers

Ben Crystal

Whatever you might think of Pamela Geller’s loud cheering for Israel, there’s no doubt that earning the enmity of Islamofascists represents a real accomplishment. Of course, by being a strong, independent and seriously Jewish woman, she was already crossed off their Ramadan card list. But now, she’s moved up to the big time. According to ISIS, Geller is a “khanzeer” (pig), and “we don’t care what land she hides in or what sky shields her; we will send all our Lions to achieve her slaughter.”

TNS/According to ISIS, Pamela Geller is a “khanzeer” (pig).

And what did Geller do to earn such provocative, incendiary and violent threats? She sponsored a contest — specifically, a drawing contest. Last Sunday, contestants lined up to deliver their best depictions of the prophet of Islam. A few hours into the festival, a couple of followers of that so-called “prophet” showed up to kill Geller and the assembled because depictions of Muhammad are considered capital blasphemy by the kind of people who open fire over cartoons. And where did that “khanzeer” stage her sacrilegious affront to a surprisingly thin-skinned Muhammad? Surely, such a direct assault on basic human decency could happen only in one of those fabulous Muslim-dominated countries where 12-year-old girls get stoned to death for showing too much ankle to their uncles. Then again, it could have happened in a medium-sized city named Garland, just outside Dallas. Chew on that one for a minute, kids. The terrorist group that President Barack Obama has previously dismissed as “decimated” and “junior varsity” just ran a play on our end of the field.

Whatever you might think of her methods, Geller’s event proved that living in accordance with the wishes of a religion that considers the 8th century “the good old days” to be a serious drag. She sponsored a contest to make fun of a guy who presumably ought to be above such petty jibes, and ISIS reacted like rabid dogs. Well, they got thumped by a 60-year-old cop; so maybe they reacted like rabid gerbils. But still, she tweaked Muhammad’s nose; and they got their dishdashas in a twist.

It doesn’t help that Geller is brazenly Jewish and brazenly female. I suspect ISIS finds that latter fact at least as galling as the former. But that ought to rally the left to her side. Instead, they’re asking her to tone it down. “See here, madame! Not only are your thoughts ‘Islamophobic,’ but they’re having a terrible effect on the rabid gerbils!” I cannot for the life of me recall another instance in which the modern left allowed a proud, strong woman to be shouted down by a religion that makes the Japanese geisha culture look like “The Vagina Monologues.”

Yet the same people who shout themselves hoarse over every patriarchal, rape culture-perpetuating, phallocratic microaggression they can wring out of a fake story cooked up by an attention-starved coed have rolled out the heavy artillery and taken aim at Geller. In the days since ISIS’s failed assault, Geller has been called “incendiary,” “controversial” and even “provocative.” While the Garland attack says a great deal about the most visible branch of modern-day Islam, liberals’ reactions thereto say a great deal about the most visible branch of modern-day liberalism. It’s worth noting that in scolding Geller for being targeted by ISIS, they’re rhetorically telling her that if she gets raped, it’s her own fault for wearing such a short skirt.

Apparently, no one noticed the Michael Moore-sized irony that wandered in right about the time their “Geller went too far” talking points were echoed by Islamofascist Anjem Choudary. Choudary took his personal war on women to Fox News, claiming during an appearance on Sean Hannity’s program Wednesday evening, “(Geller) should be put before a Sharia court and tried and, of course, she would face capital punishment.” Take a good look, liberals who think Geller is the problem. Choudary is on your team.

In recent years, Christians have endured insults bordering on outright abuse from the port side of the political sphere. Obama himself managed to throw a few stones across the separation of church and state, even working in a cute little barb about the Crusades. According to Obama, 21st century Islamofascism should be tolerated, even protected, because of 12th century Christianity — but not Geller, nor anyone else who incurs the wrath of people like Choudary and ISIS. Those “provocative” and “controversial” khanzeer deserve to die. 
Ben Crystal, Personal Liberty, May 9, 2015

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