domingo, 20 de outubro de 2013

AERUS Pension Fund Varig/Transbrasil: A call to action, the hour is now!

José Manuel
We are going through October’s first fortnight, when a warning was made in September 4th with my article ORBMETES. Now, we heading DANGEROUSLY to November, and nothing concrete has been achieved, yet.
Promises, anxiousness, dreams, delusions, seven straight years of psychological torture on daily basis, hypocrisy, a permanent state of numbness – no one can deal with this emotional rollercoaster anymore.

Exposed bellow, being sure that our misery’s artificers are not even a little concerned about us- senior citizens deprived of any dignity, in necessity of health care and a stable financial situation -, I assume the following decision:
I will be waiting, through the week comprehending 21 to 25 of October, for any sort of newsregarding the true intentions behind the Brazilian’s Federal Union proposed deal about us, expensioners of AERUS.

After the meeting of this self-established deadline, shouldn’t a single conclusion be agreed onin our favor, I will refuse to settle down in apathy anymore. I will go on a hunger strike once again, starting on October 28th, until the Federal Union decide to honor its compromises with us.

In my first hunger strike, in which not one but me went through famine for 5 days, some answers where given to us after a six months long of silence.
In my second hunger strike, in which I was accompanied by 4 other peers, in a matter of 10 days it was possible to extract a presidential compromise to arrange for the sealing of a deal.
This time, the Human Rights Department of OAB (Organização dos Advogados do Brasil) andCNBB will be notified; media coverture will be asked to Reuters, France Press, The AssociatedPress, BBC-Brasil, EFE Agency, DW World, amongst many other.
Everyone living abroad, or whose relatives are making a living in other countries, should inform international media about this.

The world must take notice of what we are going through, here in Brazil.

This is a country where senior citizens are left to fend off by themselves; where resorting to famine is required to draw attention to our cause, in hopes of one day getting our pension back.
The Brazilian media will surely be welcomed to cover our initiative, as it was very helpful in spreading the other two strikes made.
This document will be sent to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Close to a hundred payments were not deferred, since the shutting down of AERUS. A preliminary injunction, a civil action, and many more juridical mechanisms were called – to no avail, as we are still forced to keep waiting for something that is righteously ours, after so many years of work.
What more is needed to prove that we are victims of the crime committed against AERUS – when the Brazilian justice already agrees so?
The above dissertation means that, in general numbers, the Union is sealing a deal that covers about 2/3 of the due amount.

Why the delays?
Why the slow and daily torture?
Are we being considered not only decrepit, but senile too?
We aren’t, and we’ll prove that.
The Union called us in order to discuss a deal, in the beginning of August, as it is shameful for acountry to not honor is legal decisions.
In calling us, it express it desires to mend its mistakes, what should be beyond doubt.

After two months, October is here, and the balance is: only three reunions, schedules not being respected, no consistent information being given. We walk today in the direction of dire circumstances, and it will not take much longer to the situation, as a role quickly, escalate into capital disaster.
We are not able to put up with this any longer. The consciousness, the citizenship, as well as the wallets’ emptiness of all my peers-in-misery will determine if I will be standing alone or not in my decision.

I do this in order to atone for our previously lethargy and bemusement for our whole situation, which was essential to make us the fools that we so diligently played for so many years, sadly.
I believe that only Strong and noticiable actions, that can project us into International stream,can reverse the scenario in which we are found. Parallel actions are being analyzed.

What union strenghts, disunion crumbles.

José Manuel, retired worker for Varig, practicing his citizenship, for no one shall make a fool of me any more

Image by Rashid Johnson (Red Onion Prison in Virginia) in support of CA hunger strikers
PS: I do not long for pity. Solidarity, however, should it be translated into the will of participating if this enterprise, will be welcomed with arms wide open.
I call my peers to reason, by saying that. A meaningful participation can be instrumental to our cause. The more visibility we get, the better: let us not fall prey to our feelings of frailness and disbelief. Let us fight for our rights!


2 comentários:

  1. Participe na Pesquisa de Opinião na barra lateral direita.

  2. espero que não seja preciso morrer de fome,ao vivo e à cores,na mídia,gerando espanto de quem não sabe de nada do que está acontendo com os aposentados do Aerus(e,acreditem,são muitos que não sabem !)e revolta dos que sabem em que situação os aposentados se encontram...e,depois,mais uma vez,nos encham de promessas que não serão cumpridas !!


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