Esta notícia é de 2 de fevereiro
de 2017... na Indonésia (o berço da
"democracia islâmica) uma mulher foi açoitada 26 vezes por um polícia (sob
o olhar atento da multidão) por ter mantido relações sexuais fora do casamento.
Não ouvi uma única crítica de
nenhum grupo de apoio (ou suposto apoio) às mulheres. Nenhuma moção de censura
nos parlamentos... nem um pio por parte dos sacanas que nos representam na
União Europeia. Assim sendo, presumo que esta gentalha pretende impedir Donald
Trump de nos salvar das garras do islamismo e que estão coniventes com estas
Mercenários hipócritas!
THESE horrific pictures reveal the
sickening punishment carried out by Sharia police after a woman was caught
having sex outside of marriage.
Rebecca Perring
The young woman clutches her
head in her hands and cries out in agony as she is thrashed 26 times with a
whip as a baying crowd watch on.
She was dragged onto the
public stage and forced down to her knees by two guards wearing masks during
the shocking punishment in Indonesia.
The whips to her back proved so harsh that the woman appeared to fall forward.
She had allegedly broken the
strict Sharia law in
Banda Aceh province in Indonesia - a popular sunny getaway for many Britons.
After her brutal punishment
was over, the man she is accused of having sex with was brought on to serve his
lashing, flanked by police officers.
He grimaces as he is also
forced to face 26 lashes on the back.
Sharia guards often dole out
cruel punishment for violating Islamic law.
Sharia law is the legal system
of Islam which is derived from both the Koran and the rulings of the religion's
Islamic laws have been
strengthened since the Aceh province struck a peace deal with the central
government in 2005.
Rebecca Perring, Express, Londres, 2-2-2017
Rebecca Perring, Express, Londres, 2-2-2017
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