Ernesto Ribeiro Barboza de Oliveira
— Hello, President Trump, here is Michel Temer speaking.
— WHO?
— Temer, president of
— President of what??
— Ah... is that Dracula
— Yeah, Dracula, I mean, Temer.
— Humpf... what can I do
for you?
— You know, we want the US to invest
in Brazil.
— Are you crazy? I tell investors to
NEVER invest in Brazil, because corruption is everywhere, courts are a joke,
you have to bribe everybody to have something going on and at the end, Brazil collapses and
investors lose money. NO, thanks. Make a serious country then contact us.
Good bye.
Hello? Hello? Trump? Porra, ele desligou!
e Texto: Ernesto Ribeiro Barboza de Oliveira, 8-12-2016
RARARARARA Lord Jim, você é o gatilho mais rápido do Oeste!