Steve Byas
“I have ordered a number of
actions in response to the Russian government’s aggressive harassment of U.S.
officials and cyber-operations aimed at the U.S. election,” President Obama
announced this week. He added, “These actions follow repeated private and
public warnings that we have issued to the Russian government and are a
necessary and appropriate response to efforts to harm U.S. interests in
violation of established international norms of behavior.”
Obama’s statement was an
explanation for his expulsion of 35 Russian intelligence operatives, and the
sanctioning of five Russian entities and four individuals as a reaction to
Obama’s charge that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential
campaign. Democrats contend that Russian hacking probably altered the outcome
of the election in which former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lost to
Donald Trump.
The president is giving the
Russians 72 hours to get out of the country.
Obama stated that all
Americans “should be alarmed by Russia’s actions,” however, because it
interfered with U.S. election process.” While Obama and other leading Democrats
are not explicitly saying so, the impression has been left with many Americans
that the Russians somehow hacked voting machines, switching votes from Clinton
to Trump. This is reminiscent of the widespread but inaccurate belief that
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein attacked the United States on September 11,
2001. While the Bush administration never said directly that Iraq was behind
9/11, they certainly led millions of Americans to think so.
A similar ploy appears to be
in the making with this “Russian hacking” story. Many Americans mistakenly
believe that if the Russians “hacked” the election, this means they changed the
results recorded on voting machines. The clever use of the word “election,”
instead of “campaign,” for example, would understandably lead the casual
observer to conclude that a foreign power, Russia, “stole” the election for
Donald Trump.
What Obama, Clinton, and the
DNC are complaining about is that the released e-mails demonstrated that
Clinton and her allies at the DNC were involved in many questionable
activities. The e-mails were published by WikiLeaks (which has flatly denied
obtaining them from the Russians). In a clever political move, however, the
Democrats have diverted attention away from the content of the
leaks to the source of the leaks.
Obama recently said that he
directly told Russian President Vladimir Putin in September to “knock it off”
in his alleged hacking activities, supposedly directed toward altering the
outcome of the U.S. election. Obama added that this alleged hacking was greatly
reduced after this “stern” warning, which leads one to wonder why the Russian
agents were not expelled then, instead of now.
One could conclude that
Obama’s actions,only three weeks from the end of his term, were taken more for
domestic political advantage than a true retaliatory action against the
Obama also claimed that
American diplomats had “experienced an unacceptable level of harassment in
Moscow by Russian security services and police over the last year,"
adding, "Such activities have consequences.”
In addition to the expulsions,
Obama also announced that the State Department will shut down two Russian
compounds, one in Maryland and the other in New York, that are used by Russian
personnel for intelligence-related purposes.
State Department spokesman
Mark Toner issued a statement charging the Russians with other actions that had
led to Obama’s reaction. “The Russian government has impeded our diplomatic
operations by, among other actions: forcing the closure of 28 American corners
which hosted cultural programs and English-language teaching; blocking our
efforts to begin the construction of a new, safer facility for our consulate
general in St. Petersburg; and rejecting to improve perimeter security at the
current, outdated facility in St. Petersburg.”
The Democratic National
Committee (DNC) added their own complaints about the Russians. While supporting
the president’s actions, they contended that the measures were inadequate,
stating, “These intrusions are not just hacks. They were attacks on the United
States by a foreign power and should be treated as such. Therefore, today’s
action alone by the White House is insufficient.”
Then, the DNC statement
revealed that its members intend to use these allegations of Russian hacking
as a political weapon against the Republican Congress and the soon-to-be
Republican president Donald Trump: “Now it’s time for resident-elect Trump and
the Republican leadership in Congress to put our national security before
politics and show the American people that they are serious about protecting
our democracy [sic].”
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