quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2013

Fringe Leftwing Activist Promotes Fringe Rightwing Group

Washington Free Beacon Staff

Glenn Greenwald, photo: Gage Skidmore
Anti-NSA activist and noted stretcher of the truth Glenn Greenwald praised the rightwing fringe group Oathkeepers for their support of convicted criminal Bradley Manning on Wednesday.
Greenwald tweeted out a link to a post at Reason magazine noting the placement of an advertisement by the Oathkeepers supporting Manning on Washington, D.C.’s, metro system. Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs highlighted the irony of the far-left activist praising the far-right organization:

Who is this “coalition of current and former military, police, and other public officials” Greenwald is promoting?
It’s the “Oathkeepers,” one of the most extreme right wing militia groups in the US, and one of many offshoots of the Patriot movement, with numerous ties to white nationalist and xenophobic anti-immigrant groups. Their founder, Stewart Rhodes, believes Barack Obama is plotting to disarm American citizens and turn US cities into “giant concentration camps.”

Update: The author of the original Reason post notes that he did not “praise” the Oathkeepers ad but instead said they were “inventive” and had “chutzpah.” We regret the error.
Washington Free Beacon Staff, September 11, 2013 5:50 pm

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