sábado, 3 de março de 2012

Bangkok probe leaves Iranians nervous

Many in the community affected by uncovering of alleged plot to target Israeli diplomats in the Thai capital.

Thai police are questioning a fourth Iranian man who may be linked to three explosions in the capital in February.
Three Iranians are now in custody in Thailand; another is awaiting extradition from Malaysia; and two are believed to have fled to Iran.
The police say the Iranians were planning to attack Israeli diplomats as they travelled to or from their embassy. Instead they accidentally blew up the house they had been renting in suburban Bangkok.
As the police continue to name more suspects they believe may have been involved in the plot, the Jewish community remains nervous.
Al Jazeera's Wayne Hay reports from Bangkok on how the investigation has affected many people in the city's Iranian community.
Source: Al Jazeera, 03 Mar 2012

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