quinta-feira, 16 de abril de 2015

Why you need to visit Portugal

Centro of the universe: Portugal's mysteriously overlooked middle
Paul Ames, for CNN


(CNN)The fishing port of Nazaré has been grabbing headlines recently thanks to the exploits of surf legend Garrett McNamara who's broken records riding the world's biggest waves as they crash into Praia do Norte beach just north of the town.

Sliding down a 10-story wall of fast-moving ocean not your deal, you say?

No prob.

Portugal's "Silver Coast" and rest of the Centro region surrounding Nazare are home to a largely undiscovered array of treasures unjustly ignored by Portugal visitors who typically only hit Lisbon or the wine-based charms around Oporto in the north.

Why the cold shoulder from tourists?

After reviewing the region's highlights, we're still not sure. But we're not counting on the area to remain empty.

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