sábado, 25 de maio de 2024

Let my people go!

·         kelsusj

This film is a masterpiece. If you want the full details of how elections are manipulated and how candidates whom the public despise keep getting elected, you must watch this film. This film will educate you, motivate you, inspire you, all while entertaining you. The ending will give you a detail of how you can motivate others in your community to begin to correct the massive fraud and corruption that is prevalent in our elections and culture. THANK YOU, PROFESSOR DAVID CLEMENTS FOR THIS EXCEPTIONAL WORK.

·         Groomingpoodles


·         dustinbailey1234

They have stolen many other elections in other countries, I guarantee you they were fine-tuning their election theft process to steal the American elections

·         jenny88

Parts made me cry. Great documentary. All needs to hear the truth and believe. I have tried to wake up my brother and his partner but it has not worked. They truly think I am crazy and have said so often. There are times I hate them both. They stopped talking to me for two years. I will NEVER forget the way I was treated by so called FAMILY.😂😢😢😢😂 These are the tears I cried myself to sleep with. Now multiply these 5 emoji’s by 1 million and it won’t even be close to the tears I’ve shed in the last 9 years not just for me but “for the children who have suffered alone” while we all have been sleeping! 


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