segunda-feira, 12 de agosto de 2013

Varig/Aerus: “We need this story to be told worldwide”

José Carlos Bolognese
Dear Sirs at NYT,
I would like to contact Mr. Larry Rohter, a journalist who lived in Brazil and knows more about this country than the average Brazilian does. I and thousands of former employees of the now extinct Varig Airlines (Mr. Rohter may have flown with Varig during his time in Brazil) are under a tremendous injustice on the part of the current rulers of Brazil. If only Mr. Rohter could write about the plight these workers are going through it would, I am sure, raise awareness about how different is what our government promises on the matters of human rights and what it actually practices. Seven years after the airline ceased operations there remains lots of unsettled workers rights cases, thus affecting profoundly their private lives. Almost all of Varig employees were associated to Aerus, a pension fund intended to replace part of the income a retiring person loses, if only protected by the official retirement pension system (state pension which is mandatory in Brazil) Since the “government” never really enforced the rules governing complimentary pension funds, as Varig went bankrupt, so did Aerus. In short, today retirees are paid only a fraction of their pensions, circa 10% of what they should be paid monthly. Under such a dramatic scenario, four retired flight attendants are campaigning through a HUNGER STRIKE for a week now at the downtown airport, Santos Dumont in Rio. Other 27 (aged between 65/83 years) occupy for a week also one of the lounges at the Brazilian House of Representatives, in Brasília. All these extreme efforts are aimed at regaining our status as full citizens for we are only asking for our pensions, meaning that they are indispensable for a decent living and above all, the fact that we´ve paid for it.
We need this story to be told worldwide and one of the obstacles in Brazil is that our press and media – some exceptions noted – don´t give a damn about us. As long as they get their heavy sponsorships from Petrobrás, Banco do Brasil, Caixa etc. they´ll keep practicing something they call journalism.
Thank you,
José Carlos Bolognese, Retired Flight attendant @ Varig Airlines, Aug. 12, 2013


Um comentário:

  1. Enquanto isso, o Lulla "comprou" uma coluna no NYT e exalta a sí próprio e aos últimos 10 anos de governo petista.


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