sexta-feira, 13 de junho de 2014

“We, retired employees of Varig Airlines, in order to stop this serious problem, demand…”

Dear Brasil World Cup guest, welcome!
Media World community guest, welcome!
We ask your attention to the reason why we are protesting: 
More than 20.000 employees of Varig Airlines (not operating) joined the Aerus supplementary retirement plan, under Federal inspection contributing every month to build employees savings. Just after our retirement we found that large amount of resources have not been deposited by Varig Airlines, sponsor of the retirement plan. To face this loss the paid benefits suffered reduction to less than 10% of the value established by contract. We, retired employees of 65 to 85 years old in order to stop this serious problem,
that brazilian president, Dilma Rousseff, enable the compensation of our losses according the action RE 571969 issued on march 12, 2014 by the Brazilian Supreme Court.  The president Dilma Rousseff aware of the tried sentence RE 571969 still did not perform any administrative measure to the satisfaction of the obligation imposed by the referred sentence!
We have been EIGHT years without the benefit stated in contract which caused the death of more than 1.000 fellows depressed due this serious economical problem that deprived us of a fair living! We sincerely appreciate your attention!
Thank you!
Alberto José, 12-06-2014

Rio de Janeiro 
Posto 6
  15 de junho de 2014


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