segunda-feira, 3 de novembro de 2014

ISIS fighters laugh about buying and selling female Yazidi slaves

Yaron Steinbuch
In a chilling new video, Islamic State militants are seen laughing and talking about buying and selling enslaved Yazidi women and girls – some as young as 15.

“Today is distribution day, God willing. Each one takes his share,” one man says in the video, shot in Mosul in Iraq and posted to YouTube by AlAlanTV.

Young girls with blue and green eyes are worth more on the “slave market day.”
“If she is 15 years old, I have to check her, check her teeth,” one says during the disturbing bartering.

“If she doesn’t have teeth, why would I want her?”

A seller says, “I will sell her for a Glock,” referring to a popular Austrian pistol.

Another offers a woman for “five banknotes.” Subtitles in the video say a banknote is about $100.

Middle East station Al Aan TV translated the clip into English.

The Yazidi community was specifically targeted by ISIS during their push into Iraq in August.
Photo: Getty Images

ISIS has reportedly said that captured Yazidi women and children were divided among the fighters “according to sharia law.”

According to the United Nations, thousands of members of the minority Iraqi tribe have been killed by ISIS fighters.

Yaron Steinbuch, New York Post, November 3, 2014

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