sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2014

Palin wants Congress to impeach Obama over immigration

Jim Owen

President Obama should be impeached for taking executive action on immigration, Sarah Palin declared Thursday.

In a video message, the former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate declared that the president is "betraying our trust" by going "against the wishes of the American people," Breitbart reported.

"In 2012, voters re-elected President Barack Obama, but they did not make him king," Palin said.

She argued that congressional Republicans should resist the president's proposal to provide a path to citizenship, or "amnesty," for 5 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States. She said that the GOP, which will hold the majority in the House and Senate next year, has "no obligation" to work with Obama to pursue "his agenda to fundamentally transform America."

Palin went on to allege that "democracy is an inconvenience" for the president, and "something to be discarded when the votes don't go his way." She said Obama is "endangering our nation" by sending "an even louder message to the world that illegal entry will be rewarded and lawlessness in the United States of America will be rewarded," Breitbart reported.

Palin described current immigration as a "flood" that will escalate to a "tsunami" due to the president's actions.

Jim Owen, Newsiosity, November 21, 2014

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