quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2018

No Big Deal: First Lady Comforts Student at Event

Bowen Xiao

First Lady Melania Trump met with middle school students on Monday, April 9.

She asked the group of 13 students to write on a board how they were feeling in the Blue Room of the White House, which was set up like a classroom.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was also there.

Near the end of the event, one student accidentally knocked a drinking glass off the table. The boy froze, but the first lady put a comforting hand on his back.

“No problem,” she said. “Don’t worry, it’s just water, OK?”

The first lady said she had gathered the children to hear about their thoughts and challenges and to “help children everywhere do their best,” according to The Associated Press.

She started the session by writing her own feelings on the board, “Excited.”

The children, two of whom had been homeschooled, according to the White House, wrote that they felt, “respected,” ”grateful” and “nervous.”
Bowen Xiao, NTD, April 10, 2018

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