sábado, 13 de julho de 2013

Top 10 Wine Producing Countries

Denis Foynes
Louis Pasteur once said “Wine is the most healthful and most hygienic of beverages”. More enthusiastically, Martin Luther declared “Beer is made by man, wine is made by God”. It’s pretty clear that the world loves a glass of the red stuff.
But which country produces the most wine in hectoliters per year (hl) (1 hectoliter is approximately 133 bottles of wine)?

10. Portugal – 7,340,000 hl
9. Germany – 8,190,000 hl
8. South Africa – 8,850,000 hl
7. Australia – 10,200,000 hl
6. China – 11,600,000 hl
5. Argentina – 13,230,000 hl
4. United States – 20,800,000 hl
3. Spain – 42,800,000 hl
2. Italy – 44,010,000 hl
1. France – 46,500.000 hl

Denis Foynes, Live and Invest News, 21-3-2013

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