sábado, 8 de novembro de 2014

Drunk naked man on the NYC subway

Man drinks liquor, rides the subway in the buff
Mara Siegler and Lia Eustachewich

Not that there’s anything wrong with it!

In a scene straight out of a “Seinfeld” episode, a fatty was photographed snoozing on an E train — butt naked, save for a pair of sneakers and socks. The drunk took slugs from a jug of Jack Daniel’s in between catnaps during the Thursday-night ride on the southbound train, a witness said.

An editor at the Daily Front Row caught this naked drunk snoozing away on the E train, occasionally sipping whiskey, on Thursday night. Photo: Peter Davis

“He was just really drunk. He would swig it and then nod out. He must’ve taken four swigs in four stops,” said Peter Davis, an editor at the Daily Front Row fashion magazine who snapped the pic at around 8:30 p.m.

“He was oblivious. He kind of looked at me when I took the picture, but he didn’t seem to care.”

The bare-bodied boob was on the train for at least six stops — from Fifth Avenue and 53rd Street to 23rd Street — and rode with as many as 30 straphangers, Davis said.

 “I think people were scared of him. The one thing people did was move away from him like he was dangerous,” Davis said. “There were a lot of blasé New Yorkers that looked — and then looked back at their iPhone as if he wasn’t even there.”

Davis posted the photo to Instagram and Facebook, where comments ranged from the appalled to amused, he said.
Mara Siegler and Lia Eustachewich, The New York Post, November 8, 2014

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