To no one's surprise, The
Religion of Peace racked up 11,267 dead bodies in 2,459 barbaric terror attacks during 2012. The Nigerian child pictured above was in the
wrong place at the wrong time... church on a Sunday morning.
Islam's Latest Contributions
to Peace
"Mohammed is God's
apostle. Those who follow him are harsh to the unbelievers but merciful to one
another" Quran 48:29
2013.01.01 (Karachi, Pakistan)
- Tehreek-e-Taliban set off a bomb at a political rally, taking out at least
six participants.
2013.01.01 (Swabi, Pakistan) -
Six women are among seven humanitarian workers brutally machine-gunned by
2012.12.31 (Bakarabad,
Pakistan) - One civilian is killed when religious hardliners blow a girls'
2012.12.31 (Musayyib, Iraq) -
Four women and children are among seven innocents slain in their homes by the
Islamic Army of Iraq.
2012.12.31 (Karrada, Iraq) -
Sunnis set off a bomb next to a group of Shi pilgrims, killing five.
2012.12.31 (Ras al-Ayn, Syria)
- A pregnant Christian woman is left widowed after her husband is beheaded
Islamic radicals and fed to dogs.
Source: The Religion of Peace
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