sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2013

Drunk passenger duct-taped after booze-fuelled meltdown

Photo: Andy Ellwood
THIS is the moment a plane passenger was duct-taped to his seat after he attacked a woman and screamed the plane was going to crash.
The 46-year-old is said to have guzzled duty-free alcohol before his booze-fuelled meltdown.
He was arrested upon when the New York-bound flight from Iceland landed at JFK on Thursday.
Andy Ellwood, whose friend was aboard the plane, posted a picture of the restrained flyer on his Tumblr page.
Beneath the picture, he wrote: “Passenger drank all of his duty free liquor on the flight from Iceland to JFK yesterday.
“When he became unruly, (i.e. trying to choke the woman next to him and screaming the plane was going to crash), fellow passengers subdued him and tie him up for the rest of the flight. “
“He was escorted off the flight by police when it landed.”
The arrested man, who has not been named, is understood to hold an Icelandic passport.
His tirade aboard the IcelandAir plane began several hours into the flight with about two hours left till landing, it was reported.

Boeing 757, Icelandair
But prosecutors are said to have declined to charge him because too many passengers were reluctant to discuss his outburst with authorities.
Ellwood, from New York, was sent the photo because he and his friend liked to trade “travel war stories”.
The Sun, January 5, 2013

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