Newly discovered notes from a
U.S. Army interview of former Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler doctors reveal that
the madman had homosexual tendencies, did not sleep in girlfriend Eva Braun's
bedroom, and was doped up with multiple drugs including female hormones.
Written in erratic shorthand,
Army interrogator Herman Merl, a Vienna-born medical technician enlisted to
interview Hitler's doctors, Karl Brandt and Theodor Morell, scribbled
"Homosex" in his notebook where he sized up the mass murderer's sexuality.
He then wrote: "Eva Braun
= separate rooms" before adding "female hormone - injection 50,000
units." Elsewhere he wrote, "His sexual life and intercourse with Eva
Braun was told to me."
The notebooks are going up for
auction later this month at one of the nation's leading sellers of historical
artifacts, Alexander Historical Auctions of Chesapeake City, Md. Alexander has
offered other important Third Reich relics, including a tea set from Hitler's
mountain hideaway and Josef Mengele's diaries. Often the items are sold to
Jewish collectors and museums.
Merl's notes further confirm
other post-war interviews with Hitler's caretakers that he was
"hysterical," a "megalomaniac," and suffered from several
ailments, notably flatulence for which he took drugs to stop passing gas. He
also suggested that Hitler had Parkinson's disease.
A previous Alexander auction
included notes detailing how Hitler was shot up with bull semen. The new notes
add that bull semen shots were used to regulate his level of testosterone. But
proving that his doctors used many experimental treatments on Hitler was Merl's
mention that the fuhrer was also receiving female hormones. Those can be used
to treat various ailments, but are dangerous and often interfere with male
sexual functions.
Alexander President Bill
Panagopulos told Secrets that there are five notebooks for sale and he expects
the sale price to be $5,000-$7,000. He noted that Dr. Morell was Hitler's
primary physician and a rival of Dr. Brandt, an SS officer who also headed the
Nazi euthanasia program
Paul Bedard, The Washington Examiner
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In the shorthand of the Army
official who interviewed Hitler's doctors is writteh "homosex" and
"Eva Braun = separate rooms."
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A blow up of the critical
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