terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2024

Et Tu, Speaker Johnson?

The metamorphosis of House Speaker Mike Johnson was as swift as it was shocking. 

Ben Garrison

The latest Republican Speaker of the House has since dashed our hopes by aligning with Democrats. He pushed legislation calling for an additional $60 billion to be sent to the corrupt Zelensky and crew. Ukraine’s borders must be protected while our own border remains wide open. American citizens will pay for it by means of inflation. The money that will go to Ukraine (and skimmed by the twerp Zelensky) could have been spent on rebuilding America’s infrastructure. We need a new bridge in Baltimore along with new (non-racist) roads and bridges. Instead the money is wasted perpetuating a meat grinder while Ukrainian flags are waved in Congress. They are traitors.

Johnson loves to wave his Bible at us and claim a deep affinity for Jesus. So does Mike Pence. That’s fine, but isn’t it funny how two of the supposedly most religious men in politics also turned out to be the two biggest backstabbers?

They may love Jesus, but they act more like Judas.

Ben Garrison, 23-4-2024 

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