terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2024

Shocking new theory about Malaysia Airlines flight 370

On March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight 370 set off from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia for China’s capital city. Thirty-nine minutes after taking off, the aircraft disappeared from air traffic control radar displays.

The plane was never found.

However, a decade after the plane's disappearance, citizen journalist Ashton Forbes believes he has the answer to what exactly happened to flight 370.

“Where did this plane end up, do you think?” Pat Gray asks Forbes.

“I think that the plane’s most likely location is Diego Garcia military base,” Forbes tells Gray. “There’s circumstantial evidence that points to that location.”

With the evidence Forbes has been dissecting, he tells Gray that the plane appears to have gotten pulled to the West, which puts it over the Maldives.

“Interesting note is that there was a B-777 fire suppression device. It washes up in the Maldives, and it was reported on as a bomb, but it’s actually just a B-777 fire suppression device. The only way this could wash ashore is if it was empty,” Forbes explains, noting that this may mean there was a fire event.

Forbes also tells Gray that there were twenty islanders on a small island just north of Diego Garcia that had seen the plane in the early morning.

“They seemed very credible, they saw the blue and red stripe of Malaysian airlines, they saw it flying so low they could make out the windows on the plane,” he says, adding that the islanders saw it flying south toward the Diego Garcia military base.

According to Forbes, the only adult American passenger on board posted to 4Chan that he “was drugged, held prisoner in a dark area and that he couldn’t think clearly.”

The passenger posted a black photo, and the metadata of the photo has coordinates that indicate Diego Garcia.

“This was us, we did this. We hid it in our advanced military base in the middle of the Indian Ocean, which is the perfect place to hide it, where no one’s going to find it,” Forbes says.

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BlazeTV Staff, April 29, 2024

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