Drieu Godefridi
§ What
seems to have created the current chaos is the well-meaning but calamitously
unthinking jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), combined
with the disastrous "Wir schaffen das" ("We can manage
this") of Germany's then Chancellor, Angela Merkel. The ECHR's extreme
interpretation of "open borders" hinders the development of a
workable asylum policy.
§ Immigration
is not a natural disaster that befalls Europe, like a plague of locusts or a
drought. The migration chaos we are experiencing in Europe is purely a human
catastrophe, caused by dreamy policies and faceless judges who are accountable
to no one.
§ [F]urther
mass influxes of migrants, such as many countries are experiencing, can be
stopped the day after tomorrow by neutralizing the ECHR -- simply by opting out
of it.
§ To
think now that Brussels, London, Paris, Berlin, Antwerp will inevitably become
Islamic is to promise victory in advance. It is defeatist thinking, which
Winston Churchill, in his six-volume series, The Second World War, described
as more threatening than all the Nazi divisions put together.
§ A moratorium on immigration might be a good place to start.
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