sábado, 27 de janeiro de 2024

"We the People: Take Our Border Back" Convoy Gains Momentum Despite Facebook Censorship

News of Border Convoy Spreads on Twitter-X – Over 10,000 are Expected to JoinNews of Border Convoy Spreads on Twitter-X – Over 10,000 are Expected to Join

Jim Hᴏft

Thousands of Americans are preparing to join the “We the People: Take Our Border Back” convoy, a multi-day event commencing in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and culminating with three rallies across three states, California, Arizona, and Texas on February 3, 2024.

The convoy, which has attracted participants from both the East and West Coasts, aims to bring attention to border control issues in the United States.

“Calling all active and retired law enforcement and military, Veterans, Mama Bears, elected officials, business owners, ranchers, truckers, bikers, media, and LAW ABIDING, freedom-loving Americans. The time is now for IDe Ibe Leople to peacefully assemble in honor of our Constitutional Rights to call on our government to Take Action and SECURE OUR BORDERS! MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD AMERICA!! Roll with us!!” the announcement reads.

Anson Bills, an active participant in border-related activities in Texas and a key organizer of the event shared exclusive details about the movement.

Despite facing censorship on platforms like Facebook, where the event’s announcement was removed, the convoy has garnered significant support, with estimates suggesting that over 10,000 individuals are expected to join the movement.

“I’ve gotten a lot of phone calls in the past week where people are like, “Well, I’ve never heard of this. Why isn’t this being posted everywhere?” And we are posting it everywhere,” Bills told The Gateway Pundit.

“And we investigated it, and come to find out that due to the algorithm that Facebook has, they’re not allowing it.”

From our rough estimates of people that are wanting to join the convoy, it’s about 10,000. It’s going to be in three different cities and three different states.”

The event is drawing participants from various backgrounds, including families, friends, neighbors, and concerned citizens, united by a common goal of taking back control of the nation’s borders.

“This is about the people coming together, standing up for what they believe in. We’re seeing a groundswell of support, not just locally, but nationally, and even from our neighbors in Canada,” said Bills.

The convoy plans to travel across the United States, starting from Virginia Beach, and will host rallies in three different states, the final one being in Eagle Pass (Quemado), Texas.

The final rally locations are scheduled for February 2nd at 5 pm CST and February 3rd at 12 pm CST. These rallies are expected to draw large crowds and feature various speakers who will address issues related to border security and immigration policy.


Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, Jan. 27, 2024 7:00 am 

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