John Hayward
Anne Marie Waters joined SiriusXM host
Alex Marlow on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily to discuss an October 2015 article she wrote for Breitbart News, which the UK Guardian attacked as a “racist Breitbart rape-scare piece” after
Donald Trump, Jr., referred to it on Twitter Tuesday morning.
Marlow said the article, which
ran under the title “Europe’s Rape Epidemic: Western Women Will Be Sacrificed
at the Altar of Mass Migration,” was “incredible” work, filled with “details,
facts, figures, and a personal account of what it’s like to live in Europe
right now, where there is a culture of extremely aggressive sexual behavior,
typically coming from this influx of Muslim migrants.”
Waters said she’s been on
“quite a political journey over the last ten years or so.”
“I used to be a member of the
Labor Party, the moderate-Left party. It’s been a party that’s been in
government. I mean, Tony Blair was Labor, for example. Simply because of this
issue, I left, and I’ve joined UKIP,” she explained. She added:
And immediately when I joined
UKIP – UKIP is the UK Independence Party, which is seen as on the Right – as
soon as I joined, I was still saying the same things as I’d been saying in the
Labor Party, but as soon as I joined UKIP and started talking about
immigration, I immediately became a racist, and a fascist, and a bigot –
something I had never been, five minutes earlier.
Waters continued:
You know, this latest Guardian smear
of me as a racist – nothing, nothing at all in my past, nothing I’ve ever said,
or ever done, suggests that I have a racist motivation. But it is to shut down
debate. This control of speech is very, very important, when you are battling
policies that are causing immense harm. And that is what they’re doing. The
Left is still advocating open borders, regardless of what happens, regardless
of how many women are raped.
“We saw five hundred women
sexually assaulted in one night, in one city in Germany,” she pointed out. “And
the Left was still denying that it was happening, or attacking those who were
concerned about it as racists.” Elaborating, she said, “It’s standard stuff.
But they’re getting weaker. They’re getting weaker. Ordinary, decent people are
starting to see that this is nonsense. I think things are changing.”
Waters laughed at the charge
that she is a “white nationalist,” repeating that nothing in her past would
support such a charge.
“It is simply fabrication. It
cannot stand. And they certainly can’t stand it coming from someone like me,
who doesn’t fit into their stereotyped far-right demon: a feminist, a gay
woman,” she said. “They hate it when it comes from me, so they’ve got to
attack. And ‘racist’ isn’t working any more, so it seems to me that ‘white
nationalist’ might be the new one. Who knows? They’ll try anything.”
She agreed with Marlow that
“nationalism” isn’t the insult left-wingers imagine it to be:
I would actually describe
myself as a nationalist. I want the preservation of the nation-state. I’ve been
very clear about that. The nation-state is the only way to guarantee
accountable government. We cannot be governed by unelected globalist
committees, as we are now. I mean, the United Nations may not have legal power
to govern us, but our leaders are consistently seeking permission to run their
own countries from internationalist bodies. I want the nation-state to run
The reason I object to “white
nationalist” – and I have no problem with being white, and I have no problem
with being nationalist – but the implication behind that is that I think you
have to be white, for example, to be a British patriot. You do not. You do not.
There are people of all colors in this country who want to preserve and respect
British heritage and history.
That’s the implication, and I
reject that. I don’t reject, obviously, being called white or nationalist, but
I know what that implication is, and it’s untrue.
Marlow proposed that the
reaction to the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando showed that homosexuals have
slipped beneath Muslims, even radical Muslims, in the Left’s hierarchy of
victims, while attacks on Waters and others for speaking out against the
migrant rape epidemic showed the Europe has de-prioritized women, as well.
“The Left will betray anybody
that presents their ideology in a negative way,” Waters agreed. “It is
effectively a cult, which needs to control any wrong-think within it. It has
completely turned its back on women, and on gays, and on Jews, and on anyone
who doesn’t fit with the narrative.”
“Their priority is attacks on
the West, and anyone who will do that is forgiven for any other crimes,” she
stated, continuing:
What you asked about being a
woman in Europe – it’s fearful. If you look at Rotherham, for example, which is
a town in northern England, for decades – fordecades – girls were being
horrifically and brutally gang-raped in that town. One-thousand-four-hundred
girls in one town alone brutally gang-raped, and the police, the local
government, everyone who was supposed to be looking after these girls – some of
these girls were actually legally in the care of the local government –
silenced it, deliberately covered it up, so that they could protect a political
narrative, a political ideal. If they had been open and honest about what was
going on, it would have damaged the political policy.
So effectively, the police are
busy policing political policy, rather than objectively applying the law. We’ve
seen this. We saw it again in Germany. They didn’t want Cologne to get out into
the public because it would damage, it would cause criticism of Merkel’s
policy. We saw that also in Rotherham. The BMP, the British national party at
the time – a very tasteless, nasty political group – but what they were saying
was true, and in order to not gain any votes for the BMP, the local government
and police hid the story.
This is what they are doing. I
mean, we’ve even got police in Sweden admitting that they cover up crimes
against women so that it won’t gain any votes for the Sweden Democrats. The
police are policing political opinion, worried more about how people might vote
than they are about applying the laws.
That’s a very dangerous
situation for women, and it’s even more dangerous because they’re not being
defended. Whenever anything happens – when Cologne happened, when the Rotherham
report came out, when bombings happen, beheadings, you name it, the concern is
always, and I mean always, for the Islamophobic backlash. Will this paint
the open border in a negative way? This is always the concern.
“The complete disregard for
victims in this is shocking, and the complete disregard for the safety and
freedom of European women is shocking,” Waters concluded. “Women have been
absolutely thrown under the bus by the Left. And sadly, they dominate. They
dominate our universities. They dominate the media.”
Breitbart News Daily airs
on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.
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