segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2019

Iconic photo shows Iowa farmer completely ignore Joe Biden in local cafe: 'Who?'

'This is Republican country'

Chris Enloe

A photo of an Iowa farmer sitting in a local cafe went viral Saturday because it showed the man completely ignore Joe Biden, the former vice president and 2020 Democratic presidential frontrunner.

When Korecki asked the man, who told the reporter that he is a Missouri Valley farmer, if he ignored Biden because he does not like the former vice president, the man replied, "Who?"

Korecki then informed the man that he, in fact, ignored former President Barack Obama's vice president.

"Are you serious?" the man told the reporter. "Ohhhhh. I'm not an Obama fan. This is Republican country."
Chris Enloe, The Blaze, December 1, 2019

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