sábado, 10 de novembro de 2012

Volker Stelzmann

''Volker Stelzmann was born in Dresden, Germany in 1940 and moved to Leipzig in 1948. He worked as a mechanical engineer while studying graphic design and illustration at the Academy in Leipzig. Stelzmann became a member of the Association for Visual Arts of East Germany in 1970 and a member of its Board in 1974. He received the honorary award in the Visual Arts in 1978 and the highest award, the National Prize for Art and Literature, by the East German government in 1983. Stelzmann’s distinguished teaching career began in 1973 at the Academy in Leipzig, where he advanced to full professor in 1982. After his move to Berlin in 1986, he served as Guest Professor in Frankfurt and has been a full professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin since 1988.''
Source: Artodyssey

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