United Airlines claims the new system will save two minutes on each flight
This is an excerpt
from Fox News.
Customers are expressing outrage after United Airlines announced a new boarding system that would give priority to passengers sitting in window seats.
Photo: Octavio Jones/Reuters |
The new boarding method known as WILMA will impact those flying economy on United flights across the U.S. Under the new system, window seat passengers will enter the plane first regardless of their row.
Those with middle seats in the
aircraft will then board the plane, followed by those in aisle seats.
WILMA was previously used on
United flights but was disbanded in 2017.
“By doing this, we’re saving
two minutes,” Linda Jojo, United’s chief customer service officer, said on
TODAY. “So, if we can get two minutes back on this flight and two minutes back
on the next flight, we’re gonna help, especially those customers traveling
later in the day to be closer on time.
The airline noted that
priority passengers and those in business class will still board first and
families will still be able to board together.
United also attempted to
assuage concerns about luggage, claiming that their fleet will be retrofitted
with larger overhead bin space. The change, United said, should allow all
passengers to store one carry-on in the compartments.
The change was put in place on October 26, just ahead of the holiday season.
However, United flyers were
shocked by the announcement and voiced their displeasure on social media.
X user Ross Smith expressed
concern that the new approach would allow window seat passengers to have first
dibs on overhead bins.
“Unless the gate personnel
strictly enforce the 2-item rule, I predict some interesting dialogue and
disruptions to occur during boarding,” she said.
“@united don’t like your new
boarding policy according to if you pick an aisle, middle, or window seat, if
aisle seats board last charge less for that seat,” another user said.
Several other accounts called
for boycotts against the airline.
“Well, I’m not flying United,”
one TikTok user said. “I’m an aisle girlie and now I’m always going to lose out
on overhead space.”
Read the full story here.
Resist the Mainstream, October 29, 2023
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