terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2012

'Spy! Spy!': Hamas publicly executes six 'suspected collaborators' with Israel

Erica Ritz
Witnesses say masked gunmen have publicly executed six “suspected collaborators” with Israel at a busy Gaza City intersection.
The Hamas military wing claimed responsibility.
Witnesses said the six men were pulled out of a van Tuesday, then forced to lie face down on the street and shot dead.
The bodies then laid in a pile as a mob stomped and spit on them.  A sixth body was tied to a motorcycle and dragged through the streets as people screamed, “Spy! Spy!”
CNN’s Anderson Cooper posted this shocking tweet with a photo:

Palestinian civilians take pictures of bodies of men, allegedly Israeli collaborators, on November 20, 2012 at Nasser street in Gaza City. (Photo: AFP/Getty Images) 
Read more and see the video here!
Erica Ritz, TheBlaze, november 20, 2012

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