segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2015

A propósito da “Laudato Si”

Helena Matos
As afirmações do Papa de que “There are forms of pollution which affect people every day. The exposure to air pollutants produces a large spectrum of health effects, in particular on the most poor, and causes millions of premature deaths.” podem colher boa imprensa mas a realidade não se compadece com a visão que o Papa tem do mundo: 

Pope Francis fails to acknowledge the tremendous gains humanity has made. For example, human life expectancy in the Paleolithic period (call this “Eden”) was 33 years. Life expectancy in the neolithic period was 20 years. Globally, life expectancy is now more than 68 years, and in the West, it is passing 79 years. Yes, there is pollution, and, yes, the poor are affected by it. But the reason why the poor are affected most by air pollution is because they’re poor — and because they don’t have access to fossil fuel energy. Pope Francis never bothers to draw the connection between wealth and health because he thinks of both production and consumption as sinful. escrevem Max Border e Daniel Bier num texto intitulado The New Paganism? que dedicam à Encíclica sobre ambiente do Papa Francisco.
Título e Texto (e Grifos): Helena Matos, Blasfémias, 22-6-2015


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