Jeff Crouere
Any American who follows the
news coverage of President Trump knows that the mainstream media is completely
opposed to him. Their coverage of his administration is biased, relentlessly
negative and needlessly nasty. These haters could not even take a break from
their Trump bashing during the funeral of former President George H. W. Bush.
Liberal activists, masquerading as journalists on MSNBC and CNN, criticized the
President for such trivia as folding his arms during the service and not
singing from the hymnal like the other former Presidents. This pettiness is
typical from a media that is afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
It is so awful that the
watchdog group Media Research Center found the broadcast network news programs
gave President Trump 95% negative coverage, worse than any President in the
history of television news programs.
The one oasis among the major
cable networks is Fox News. Some of the hosts like Sean Hannity, Judge Jeanine
Pirro and Jessie Watters are unabashed supporters of the President. Others like
Shep Shepard are very critical of the President, while others like Shannon
Bream are objective hosts who do not offer opinions.

Unfortunately, in an interview
with the Swiss weekly “Die Weltwoche,” Carlson took some gratuitous shots at
President Trump. He said the President was “not capable,” and pointed to his
lack of success in defunding Planned Parenthood, repealing Obamacare and
building a border wall.
Sure, it would be wonderful if
those promises were fulfilled; however, the President cannot wave a magic wand
and accomplish those goals. He must work with a Congress that is filled with
establishment politicians of both parties who are steadfastly opposed to his
It is totally unrealistic to
believe that Trump can force all of this to occur on his own. He has certainly
worked tirelessly to push his agenda through Congress and he needs to keep
striving to accomplish those goals and much more. In contrast, he has
successfully cut federal regulations, which has spurred economic growth. He was
also helpful in passing large personal and corporate tax cuts that have had a
very beneficial impact on the economy.
His many accomplishments are
too numerous to list but they include vastly improving our trade agreement with
Mexico and Canada and withdrawing the United States from the Trans-Pacific
Partnership, the Paris Climate Agreement and the Iran nuclear deal. These
decisions will benefit our economy, our environment and our national security.
The President successfully imposed a travel ban, despite numerous lawsuits and
judicial challenges, and has fought for additional funding for our depleted
military. His insistence that NATO members pay more for their security forced
these wealthy nations to increase their anemic contributions. From securing the
confirmation of two conservative Supreme Court Justices to supporting the
construction of the Keystone Pipeline to moving the American embassy to
Jerusalem, the President has taken courageous stands that more moderate
Republican Presidents would never have pursued.
This is not the first time
Carlson has attacked President Trump. During the frustrating tenure of Attorney
General Jeff Sessions, the President often criticized his recusal from the
Russia investigation and his refusal to remove the partisan Democrats
throughout the top echelon of the Department of Justice. Carlson called these
criticisms a “useless, self-destructive act.”
In reality, Sessions deserved
every bit of Trump’s ire because he was unwilling to take the kind of tough
action that was essential at the Department of Justice. It was Rod Rosenstein,
the Deputy Attorney General, who was overseeing the Mueller investigation and
making the major decisions. Sessions willing ceded power to his deputy, while
placing the President under the microscope of an adversarial prosecutor
determined to destroy his presidency. No wonder the President was unhappy with
By focusing on the negative
aspects of the President’s first two years, Carlson seems to be overlooking his
substantial successes. If he continues to pursue this line of criticism and
completely joins the chorus of Trump detractors, Carlson will give the
President’s supporters, who have helped boost his television ratings, a major
incentive not to watch his program.
If viewers want to see a host
engaged in Trump bashing, there are dozens of other outlets they can watch.
Carlson will become just another one of the many hosts finding fault with a
President, who while far from perfect, has achieved significant accomplishments
in the face of intense, sustained and powerful opposition.
Jeff Crouere is a native New Orleanian and his award winning
program, “Ringside Politics,” airs locally at 7:30 p.m. Fridays and at 10:00
p.m. Sundays on PBS affiliate WLAE-TV, Channel 32, and from 7-11 a.m. weekdays
on WGSO 990-AM &
He is a political columnist,
the author of America’s Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the
Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on
For more information, email
him at
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