sexta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2023

Tucker Carlson is right: Voting for Trump is bigger than Trump vs. Biden

You’re not required to like it. For better or worse, Trump is the only candidate who can break the administrative state and give back the country Americans want

Matt Himes

On the latest episode of Roseanne Barr’s podcast, Tucker Carlson finally admitted what many of us have long suspected: He’s voting for Donald Trump in 2024.

“I became an active Trump supporter when they raided Mar-a-Lago. That can’t stand,” Carlson told the comedian. “I agree with Trump on a lot, but even if I disagreed with Trump on a lot, I’d still be a Trump supporter … because you cannot allow the president of the United States to use the Justice Department to knock the front-runner out of the race.”

For Carlson, the issue is “bigger than Trump, it’s bigger than Biden.”

“It’s a question of 'Do you want to live in a free country with a functioning justice system?' I’m voting for Trump, and if they convict him, I will send the max donations, and I’ll lead protests,” he said.

Carlson is correct. The 2024 presidential election is a referendum on what type of country Americans want.

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