sábado, 18 de junho de 2022

Tucker Carlson and Steve Deace analyze Fauci's COVID diagnosis​

Regardless of your vaccination status, you will see value in this conversation with BlazeTV's Steve Deace, host of "Steve Deace Show." On Thursday, Steve joined "Tucker Carlson Tonight." He discussed his take on Dr. Anthony Fauci's COVID diagnosis and continued vaccine push.

"It's all about power and control. If it were about science, they'd be a lot more transparent, a lot more honest, and a hell of a lot more humble," Deace told Tucker. Watch the video to hear more of the conversation.

The CDC website states that the COVID vaccine is safe and effective, and you should ask your doctor if the COVID vaccine is suitable for you. 

Get more Steve Deace here.

The Blaze media

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