segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2020

The Election is Not Over

Chris Farrell 

§  [T]he "journalists" of the news media have begun the relentless drumbeat of proclaiming "President-elect Biden." That is make-believe. The media does not determine the outcome of the election. Governors of states will send electors to Washington DC in early December. That is the Electoral College, and their vote will decide the presidential election. So, the string of reports and stories and projections and suppositions about the new Biden administration is all part of an information operation to psychologically condition the public to accept Biden/Harris as a fait accompli.

§  [I]f President Trump were serious about challenging the outcomes in Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan. Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona (maybe even Virginia), then he would be back on the campaign trail, holding rallies in those states. The best way to motivate the electorate, and the vote counters and the judges making rulings in the legal cases pending in the courts and jurisdictions of those states, is to show up.

§  President Trump may wish to reconsider his leisure time should he wish to successfully challenge the currently scripted outcome of the election.

§  The president MUST get personally involved and FIGHT.

The media does not determine the outcome of the election. Governors of states will send electors to Washington DC in early December. That is the Electoral College, and their vote will decide the presidential election. So, the string of reports and stories and projections and suppositions about the new Biden administration is all part of an information operation to psychologically condition the public to accept Biden/Harris as a fait accompli. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

The election is not over. President Trump may wish to put down the golf clubs and get back to rallying his supporters.

As predicted and explained in "How to Steal an Election" – Parts I, II and III – the Left has manufactured an Election "season" (as opposed to "Day" as required by 2 U.S.C. §7), and the "journalists" of the news media have begun the relentless drumbeat of proclaiming "President-elect Biden." That is make-believe. 

The media does not determine the outcome of the election. Governors of states will send electors to Washington DC in early December. That is the Electoral College, and their vote will decide the presidential election. So, the string of reports and stories and projections and suppositions about the new Biden administration is all part of an information operation to psychologically condition the public to accept Biden/Harris as a fait accompli

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