sábado, 29 de abril de 2023

Megyn Kelly says Tucker Carlson is not yet fired, claims Fox News 'bought his silence' and is 'determined to destroy him'

Paul Sacca

Former Fox News star Megyn Kelly provided her insight into the Tucker Carlson departure from the top cable news network.

Earlier this week, it was revealed that Carlson and Fox News were parting ways. The shocking departure ignited shockwaves across the media landscape.

Megyn Kelly, who left Fox News in 2017 after being at the cable news juggernaut for 13 years, weighed in on Carlson's sudden abdication from the reigning top cable news TV show.

Speaking on "The Megyn Kelly Show" on SiriusXM, the former Fox News anchor spoke about Carlson's sudden departure from the network.

"I want to, I think break some news for you. Tucker Carlson hasn't actually been fired," Kelly said on her podcast.

"He's still an employee of the Fox News Channel," Kelly stated. "What happened was Suzanne Scott called him, she's the CEO, on Monday morning and said he was not going to be allowed to do any more shows and that he had been kicked out of his company email."

She added, "And now they're going to have to negotiate an exit, some reporting, to me, suggests that she said it's going to be an amicable parting."

She said that the departure caught Tucker "completely off guard."

According to Kelly, Carlson inquired as to why he was being let go from the cable news network and that they refused "to tell him why."

Kelly noted that Carlson is "not free to launch a podcast or a digital show or negotiate with other employers at all," adding that he is "still under contract."

Kelly said that Fox News fired Carlson's executive producer, Justin Wells.

Speaking of Carlson's dismissal, Kelly started, "I mean, to me, that's just so disheartening. He's been at the company for years. He'd been in the primetime for seven years and saw Fox News through one of the most difficult times in its history — the immediate era post-Roger Ailes where they didn't know left from right."

She noted that before Tucker, Fox News had lost Bill O'Reilly and herself.

"He smashed the ball out of the park," Kelly said of Carlson's Fox News show. "And he took a lot of risks, and he was heterodox ... he pushed against the orthodoxy on so many different things."

She added that Fox News had "dripping disdain" for Carlson for speaking his mind.

"He doesn't get to tell his own team — he doesn't get to say goodbye," Kelly said. "I mean, it's absolutely disrespectful to him. And unlike Don Lemon, he hadn't been immersed in controversy after controversy inside the building against his own colleagues."

Kelly appeared on "The Jesse Kelly Show" on Friday and cemented her opinions regarding the Carlson departure.

"I just think it's absolutely disgusting how Fox not only fired him, but [is] clearly determined to destroy him," Kelly told host Jesse Kelly. "It's not enough to fire the guy from his number one show that has made Fox millions of dollars."

She claimed that the Fox News public relations team is attempting to "drive a wedge between Tucker and his audience."

Kelly complimented Carlson for getting Fox News' conservative audience through the "Trump era."

Kelly proclaimed, "And for what? What did he do again? Did he cost the company money? No. He wasn't behind the Dominion settlement. That wasn't a Tucker Carlson problem, that was another talent and executives problem."

"He won for them. He put points on the board. He made them relevant," Kelly proclaimed, "He got them through the Trump era, which was a very tricky time for media."

Kelly admitted, "I don't know what the real reason is behind Tucker's firing."

Kelly claimed that Carlson "touched all the third rails."

Kelly referenced recent Fox News coverage, "In truth, they're just as elite as anybody else and don't want certain cows being touched. And Tucker touched all the third rails. There was nothing he wouldn't do. There was no orthodoxy to which he subscribed, which is one of the reasons he was interesting and a threat."

Kelly noted that Carlson may have "outlived his usefulness, and that too is disgusting because probably Trump is gonna be the GOP nominee. Then is what is Fox gonna do?"

Coincidentally, Carlson reportedly hired Los Angeles-based attorney Bryan Freedman — who represented Kelly in her departure from Fox News as well as Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo for their separations from CNN.

Paul Sacca, Blaze Media, April 28, 2023


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