quarta-feira, 25 de julho de 2012

People's Cube: The Evolution Of Julia

President Obama has just posted an on-line storybook called THE LIFE OF JULIA on his website, showing how his caring supervision helps one woman over her lifetime - and how under Mitt Romney's heartless reign women would be left unsupervised and driven to extinction.
After this project became a target of Republican attacks claiming that Obama's policies would drive Julia into despair, unemployment, and poverty, we sensed a strong public demand for a more forceful and compelling story of this brave fictional woman.
Take a look at how the caring step-by-step supervision of President Obama miraculously helps one woman to evolve from a little monkey into a towering giant - and how heartless rich capitalist male chauvinist exploiter Mitt Romney would change that story.
Under Romney, unsupervised women would remain monkeys.

The People's Cube
Department of Visual Agitation and Unanimity
in association with
Karl Marx Treatment Center
The Evolution Of Julia

Colaboração: Ernesto Ribeiro

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