'I practiced for 20 years without being
investigated, this only started when I became a prominent public figure,'
Peterson said in a phone interview with the Toronto Sun
Alexandra Lavoie
Jordan B. Peterson [photo] is not only a best-selling author but a clinical psychologist and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto. He is also a strong advocate for freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
Jordan Peterson was also a supporter of the Freedom Convoy, and this is why multiple organizations have raised their voices against his event that took place the day after the first anniversary of the arrival of the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa.Furthermore, we learned from Jordan Peterson on January 16, 2022, that the College of Psychologists of Ontario had launched an investigation after they received complaints about Peterson's tweets. They also demanded that Mr. Peterson submit himself to mandatory social media communication retraining.
“I practiced for 20 years without being investigated, this only started when I became a prominent public figure,” Peterson said in a phone interview with the Toronto Sun.The first complaint of 2022 came on January 5, after Peterson had suggested that a world population of 9.5 billion was sustainable. A commenter on his post said that overpopulation was a threat to the ecosystem, and Mr. Peterson tweeted: “You’re free to leave at any point.”
In reaction to the presence of Mr. Peterson in the capital for his North American speaking tour about his new book, 'Beyond Order: 12 more rules of life' more than 36 local organizations called for the cancellation of the event and released a joint statement condemning it and called on the Canadian Tire Centre to cancel Peterson's show.The letter said Peterson was an "avid supporter" of the 'Freedom Convoy' occupation. Also in an open letter, City Councillor Ariel Troster wrote: "Ottawa has seen a rise in hate against 2SLGBTQ+ people in recent years, Jordan Peterson’s event undermines the work that the city and community organizations are doing to create stronger and more equitable communities.
"Mrs. Troster is also the
one who posted on Twitter on
January 28, 2022, the picture of the truck with the
confederate flag insinuating that all of the convoy will be racist. She wrote: "Yes,
that is a confederate flag. In case you had any doubts about the intentions of
this racist convoy. Stay safe, friends." This is a message full of
judgment once again.This report shows the opinions of the citizens of Ottawa
about the measures being imposed on Jordan B. Peterson.
Alexandra Lavoie, Rebel News, February 07, 2023
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