terça-feira, 19 de março de 2024

Democrat senator tells reporters how to do their job, instructs them to lie about Donald Trump — but it blows up in his face

Chris Enloe

Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) instructed the media on Saturday to lie about former President Donald Trump

Over the weekend, Democrats and the legacy media promoted an outright lie about Trump because he used the word "bloodbath" at a campaign rally in Ohio. They claimed Trump was threatening political violence if he loses the election.

But that's not what Trump was doing.

Rather, he used the word "bloodbath" in an economic context about the auto industry. But that fact did not stop Sen. Schatz from demanding that journalists distort the true meaning of Trump's words, giving them instructions on how to craft headlines for news stories about Trump's remarks.

"Headline writers: Don't outsmart yourself. Just do 'Trump Promises Bloodbath if he Doesn't Win Election,'" Schatz wrote on social media.

The chilling message — a sitting lawmaker giving out instructions on how the media should report the news and telling reporters to spread a complete lie — did not go unnoticed.

· "A U.S. Senator dictating to the corporate media the proper way to cover a story by pushing misinformation to its audience. And most of the corporate media falling right in line," Steve Krakauer, executive producer of the "Megyn Kelly Show," said.

· "[On the other hand], lying to your readers is bad," commentator Mary Katharine Ham responded.

· "Senator Schatz is suggesting—demanding, even—that the media spread a partisan lie. To acknowledge this does not say anything about you other than that you are able to see what is happening in this discrete case," National Review writer Charles Cooke noted.

· "Democratic senator advises journalists: Don't think too much about what you write," writer Byron York mocked.

· "Ironically, you’re the one trying to incite violence," radio host Jason Rantz said.

· "Usually these instructions happen in private..." media reporter Joe Concha reacted.

The Democrat's motive for pushing at best a total misrepresentation and at worst a manipulative lie about his party's chief political rival is clear: Trump's comments amounted to a Rorschach test and thus confirmed his presumptions about Trump.

In fact, Schatz admitted as much.

But the thing about a Rorschach test is it says nothing about reality or the truth. Instead, it reveals a subject's inner projections. And in this case, Schatz's reaction tells voters exactly what they need to know about him.

Chris Enloe, Blaze Media, 18-3-2024

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